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Where to Find Us
Exhibitor Hall | Booth #600

We are excited to exhibit at ITS California 2023! Stop by Booth #600 to meet our team and learn all about our Intelligent Transportation solutions, including the latest FE3 and AC3 intersection cameras, next-generation Gridsmart GS3 Processor, Signal Performance Measures (SPMs), and SynchroGreen Adaptive Traffic Signal Control.

10:15 AM - 3:30 PM PST
Coffee Anyone?

Stop by from 1:00 - 4:00 PM for a quick pick-me-up at our hosted Coffee Bar. We will be serving coffee, lattes, and tea at our booth, and $1 from every cup served will be donated to the Summer Camp Scholarship in Honor of Sharoya Hall.

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM PST
Exhibitor Hall | Booth #600

We are excited to exhibit at ITS California 2023! Stop by Booth #600 to meet our team and learn all about our Intelligent Transportation solutions, including the latest FE3 and AC3 intersection cameras, next-generation Gridsmart GS3 Processor, Signal Performance Measures (SPMs), and SynchroGreen Adaptive Traffic Signal Control.

8:00 AM - 3:30 PM PST