Train Like You Fight.
Cubic’s Air Combat Family of Systems provides a coherent, well-integrated suite of capabilities to provide aircrew the requisite airborne and ground infrastructure, live-monitor and debrief environments, and interoperability with Live, Virtual, and Constructive assets to conduct high-value, high impact training.
Our systems are designed to support legacy platforms, 4th and 5th Generation aircraft interoperability and advanced tactical training scenarios without adversely impacting the Golden Rule of training – Train Like You Fight.
Contact the Cubic Advanced Training Environment:

Speed to Insight
A legacy of innovation. Since inventing Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) in the early 1970’s, we continue to lead the industry as the world’s foremost provider of fourth and fifth generation air combat training systems. Aircrews from the United States Air Force, Navy and Marines, as well as our Allied Partners, rely on Cubic systems to prepare for combat missions more effectively and with less risk.

Cubic’s Advanced Training Environment (ATE) family of systems combines the industry’s best of breed in Instrumentation, LVC, and data analytic technologies to emulate pacing peer fight scenarios with unparalleled authenticity, complexity, and density. Cubic leverages prior investments in Synthetic Inject to Live (SITL), Link Inject to Live (LITL), encryption, and infrastructure to deliver capability to the world sooner and with lower Total Ownership Cost. Utilizing Cubic’s ATE, the warfighter can assess their readiness as well as their Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) by mirroring representative advanced threats in real-world combat scenarios. Using the ATE as a ‘Strategic Lever’ provides Component Commanders with mission rehearsal capabilities deployed anywhere in the world and while home guard within CONUS ranges. Learn about our ATE family of systems below:

World’s Leading Provider of Air Combat Training Systems