Locations by Region Cubic Corporate Cubic Defense Cubic Transportation Systems Cubic Corporation Headquarters 9233 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 +1-858-277-6780 Directions Cubic Defense Headquarters Secure Communications and LVC Training 9233 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 +1-858-277-6780 Directions Cubic Defense Orlando 3862 Quadrangle Blvd. Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32817 +1-407-859-7410 Directions Cubic Defense Huntsville - GATR 330 Bob Heath Drive Huntsville, AL 35806 +1-858-505-2445 Directions Cubic Nuvotronics 2305 Presidential Drive Durham, NC 27703 +1 919-296-5500 Cubic Defense Ashburn - DTECH 21580 Beaumeade Circle, Suite 230 Ashburn, VA 20147 +1-858-505-2445 Directions Cubic Defense Ashburn - Cubic Digital Intelligence (CDI) 44645 Guilford Drive, Suite 201, Ashburn VA 20147 Directions Cubic Defence UK 101 Square, Solar Way, Solstice Park Amesbury, Wiltshrie SP4 7SZ, UK +44 (0) 1980 505475 Directions Cubic Defence Australia Defense Systems and Services 336-342 Bayswater Road Garbutt, Queensland 4814 Australia +61-7-4775-1881 Directions Cubic Defence Singapore 401 Commonwealth Drive #04-02/03 Haw Par Technocentre Singapore 149598 +65 657-29440 Directions Cubic Italia Salita San Nicola da Tolentino 1/b 00187 Roma Italia +39-0690207890 Directions Cubic Transportation Systems Headquarters 9233 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 +1-858-268-3100 Directions Transportation EMEA HQ Cubic Transportation Systems, Ltd. AFC House Honeycrock Lane Salfords, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5LA UK Registered in England under registration number 01381707 +44-1737-782200 Directions Transportation APAC HQ Cubic Transportation Systems (Australia) Pty Limited Level 23, 477 Pitt Street Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia PO Box K4 Haymarket, NSW 1240 +61-2-9275-9900 Directions Cubic Transportation Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. 4th Floor, Block C & D, ILabs Technology Centre Plot No. 18, Software Units Layout Sy No: 64 Madhapur, Hyderabad, India +91 40 3960-5151 Directions