The Solution
Cubic worked with DTPW to implement Cubic Interactive, a first-of-its kind loyalty-based advertising service for transit agencies and brands.
It allows riders to engage with advertising content on the agency’s mobile app and earn points in the form of “Stars” – a proprietary digital loyalty currency.
Riders can turn collected Stars into transit value to subsidize, pay for transit, or redeem in-app offers.
The Results
Today, nearly 60% of the app’s monthly users take advantage of Cubic Interactive to engage with advertisers, earn Stars, and redeem offers. Since launch, riders have earned over 3,500,000 Stars.
For Miami-Dade, this program translated to increased ridership and reduced congestion on the roads.
Within six months, the program issued nearly $17,000 in star value from video views and has attracted valuable partner brands like Bausch + Lomb, Ricola, Johnson & Johnson, and Paragon Vitamins.