Indispensable Data Curation, Live Monitor and Debrief Asset
Cubic’s SPEARTM is the ultimate data collection platform. SPEARTM provides a comprehensive and congruent common operational picture during live-and post mission operations, test and training by seamlessly integrating data from Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) feeds, multiple domains, kinetic and non-kinetic effects, objective and subjective data, and advanced analytics. Unlock unparalleled insights and optimization opportunities for mission rehearsal, real-time training enhancement, post-mission debriefs and resource management.
Learning Acceleration through Advanced Visual Techniques
SPEARTM analyzation and display techniques are designed to rapidly advance proficiency in the first two steps of the OODA Loop: Observe and Orient (or assess), so that Decide and Act can be demonstrated correctly, more often and earlier in the learning process.

It’s all about the Data
Advanced analytics applied real-time and during post mission review drives true learning management at the individual, unit, service and national level and enables enterprise-level analysis for weapon system improvements and AI development.

Getting to the Truth Faster
When “What Happened” is clearly depicted at the start of the debrief, warfighters have the quality time to focus on “Why it Happened”, using SPEAR’s enriched mission data and advanced analytics.

- Ingest and analysis from any domain/environment
- Analytics processing for enhanced operations, test and training
- Mission rehearsal enables gameplan testing
- Learning objectives managed in real-time
- Data presented in multiple formats
- Provides simple visualization of “What Happened”
- Enables debrief focus to be on the “Why it Happened”
- Multi-Cloud computation/storage (AI & ML source data)
- Server/Client model for distributed utilization of a COP
- Replaces requirements-driven, platform-centric acquisitions with continually updated user/software designer dialogue (Cognitive Systems Engineering events)
- Track individual, unit, and force performance for training adjustments