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Lightweight Kits

The lightweight kits allow for ergonomic movement and incorporate the soldier’s weapon to make training as realistic as possible. All are modular and can be instrumented for use at ground combat centers, homestations, and Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) sites, with optional upgrades that address instrumentation, combat life saver treatment, compatibility with new weapons and new vulnerabilities.


Cubic Manworn Systems
Smart, modular and future-ready.

Instrumented Tactical Engagement Simulation System II (I-TESS II)

Our I-TESS II is a fully integrated ground combat training system that tracks ground combat training exercises in real time.

  • Peripherals - Added capabilities include rocket-propelled and hand grenade simulators, and a Battle Effects Simulator Interface Module.
  • Reduced Setup Time - Conveniently issue and receive equipment from a deployable training site trailer with minimum support personnel.
  • Enhanced Communications - Fast refresh rate and superior levels of instrumentation
  • Real-Time Tracking - Instantaneous feedback and After Action Review (AAR) capabilities.

Instrumented-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (I-MILES)

Our I-MILES equipment creates realistic tactical engagement simulation environments for soldiers, Marines, sailors, and security forces.

Accurately replicating the actual firing capabilities and effects of weapons during training, I-MILES detects hits from laser “bullets,” performs damage and/or casualty assessments on targets, and reinforces the requirement for individuals and units to adhere to operational doctrine.

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