Deployed Globally
Cubic’s Synthetic Wrap allows the user to deliver complex tactical training at the individual, team and collective levels. It is expeditionary and combines proven instrumented live training with state of the art tactical simulation delivering complex and challenging training which can be deployed anywhere in the world. Features include:
- Affordable and realistic field training for Joint Fires and ISTAR forces
- Correct training of mission planning and execution across multiple training audiences
- Enabling force-on-force exercises to be equipped with representative capabilities to optimize the peer and near peer fight
- Contributing to multi-domain training by allowing the inclusion of maritime and air effects from live or virtual platforms.
- An After Action Review capability allowing commanders to examine and debrief tactical training to improve performance and enhance readiness
- Easily deployed into existing Combat Training Center simulation architecture(s)
Delivered as a Service
Cubic’s Synthetic Wrap is delivered as a service by qualified and experienced personnel and is tailored to individual exercises and training objectives. The system is expeditionary and infrastructure independent and can be deployed as a distributed capability. It can be scaled from fire-team to joint force and used by both military and non-government organizations.