CATS Metrix™
CATS Metrix™ is our latest EXCON software used by operators and instructors to plan, conduct, control, monitor, record, and debrief for live force-on-force training. Using an electronic map, air photograph, or in 3D, it displays the location of the AWES players while evaluating defined goals, doctrines, and tactics during a live exercise, then provides feedback to the training unit on their performance - identifying both deficiencies and exceptional performance.
Area Weapons Effects Simulator
Area Weapons Effect Simulator (AWES) and its integrated Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) system simulates large-scale force-on-force combat exercises, including the effects of direct fire, artillery, mortar fire, mines and air-delivered munitions as well as nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. It can be used as an independent product, or integrated with CATS Metrix. Features include:
- Tracking and monitoring soldiers using GPS technology
- Recording "hits,"” “kills” and “misses” of small-arms fire with Cubic’s Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) technology
Analysts can also recreate combat exercises for post-mission analysis.