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NextAdvantage Capabilities
DTECH Edge Compute and Networking

Transform Data to Decisions

DTECH’s edge compute and networking platforms provide a persistent information advantage, accelerating the transformation of data to decisions. DTECH’s M3-SE, M3X and ROIP Gateway are ideal platforms for edge applications and enable users to connect, secure, and analyze mission-critical data throughout the mission chain. Together with its ecosystem partners, DTECH delivers capabilities for Zero Trust, tactical radio voice translation, and network automation at the edge. 

DTECH Edge Compute and Networking

High Performance Compute for the Next Generation Tactical Edge

The DTECH Fusion Edge High Performance Compute (eHPC) stands alone in its ability to provide enterprise-level computing power to the tactical edge in a single case. Smaller, lighter, and better performing, the Fusion eHPC enables complex data-rich workloads including AI/ML, even in Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, and Limited (DDIL) environments.

Flex Foldable Satellite Terminal
Mobile Communications
Software Defined Radios and Halo Multi-Link SATCOM
Meet Our Leaders

Jason Wallace

Senior Director, Business Development, DTECH Mission Solutions, Cubic Defense

Jack Arnold

Senior Director Business Development, GATR, Cubic Defense

Michael Best

Business Development Director, Secure Communications, Cubic Defense