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Join us at DSEI 2023

Trusted Capabilities to Accelerate the NextAdvantage™

Competition and potential conflict with peer adversaries in the face of rising global threats in highly contested electromagnetic and cyber environments is a defense imperative that requires a new advantage. Our NextAdvantage solutions are mission inspired™ and designed to exploit the information advantage and enable high-tempo multi-domain operations.

Join us at DSEI to learn more about Cubic Defense creates superior operational overmatch for national security and defense customers worldwide, built on three major pillars:

Assured Multi-Domain Access: Powerful edge computing, advanced networking platforms, and ultra-portable communications terminals deliver adaptive and resilient connectivity in all environments, accelerating data delivery and fostering quicker and better-informed decision-making. 

Digital Intelligence: Secure, full-motion video and geospatial solutions provide users with a capability advantage from the edge to the enterprise. 

Superior Warfighting Readiness: Secure, multi-domain Live, Virtual and Constructive training delivers unprecedented realism, preparing forces for high-end operations. 

Cubic NextAdvantage
NextAdvantage Capabilities
Edge Compute and Networking Instant access to your data at the tactical edge.


Cubic Edge Compute and Networking platforms enable edge users to connect, secure, and analyze mission-critical data with trusted, scalable and intuitive edge technologies for a decisive advantage. Our platforms are mission-engineered for the edge with computing and networking capabilities, mission-proven through reliable equipment that can survive challenging environments, and mission-forward by continually innovating for the next mission.

FLEX 75cm Satellite Terminal Foldable SATCOM
Live Virtual Constructive Multi-Domain Blended Training Environment Deliver a superior warfighting advantage.​
Cubic Digital Intellligence Data Driven Decision​ ISR from the cloud to the cargo pocket

Cubic Digital Intelligence provides secure full-motion video and geospatial solutions, transforming your intelligence ecosystem into a capability advantage from the edge to the enterprise by being data-unified, data-enhanced, and data-accelerated. Integrated solutions securely unify data from multi-domain sources strengthening shared situational awareness. Standards-driven technology enhances data by turning your AI/ML results into actionable intelligence to make sense of complex situations. Our powerful solutions accelerate decision dominance over adversaries by performing faster data analyses from the edge to the enterprise.​

Digital Intelligence