Assured Data Access From Space to the Edge
Cubic Defense delivers assured data access from space to the edge. Cubic’s Secure Communications solutions deliver resilient communications with the Halo multi-link SATCOM antenna that resolve critical gaps in wideband tactical communications. GATR’s portfolio of ground terminals enables SATCOM diversity in contested environments with enhanced performance and SWaP. Connect with our team of solution experts at Satellite 2025 to learn more.
Space Data Delivered to the Edge
GATR’s portfolio of ground terminals enables SATCOM and Troposhperic Scatter diversity in contested environments with enhanced performance and SWaP.
The GATR TRAC is a tactical, sensor agnostic direct downlink terminal that is able to communicate with multi-orbit (HEO, MEO, LEO) constellations and aerial sensors providing assured, timely receipt of ISR data to enable deep sensing from the space and aerial layers.
Multi-Band, Multi-Orbit, Multi-Beam SATCOM
Cubic’s Secure Communications solutions deliver resilient communications with Software Defined Radios (SDR) and the Halo multi-link SATCOM antenna that resolve critical gaps in wideband tactical communications. These solutions have matured along the TRL scale and provide assured and stealthy communications that extends the reach of FVL platforms in contested Electromagnetic Spectrum environments.
Halo is Cubic's modular, low-SWaP, phased array antenna that provides robust wideband communications for the DoD’s Hybrid-SATCOM networks. The Halo antenna connects simultaneously to PLEO, MEO and GEO in both Ku and Ka bands. Halo's proven technology is ready for integration into a variety of air, ground and surface platforms.