Close the pacing peer threat training gap with Synthetic Inject to Live - Live, Virtual, and Constructive (SITL-LVC) training, a revolutionary approach to training and simulation. Integrating computer-generated (synthetic) elements, or scenarios, into live training exercises, SITL-LVC augments the realism and complexity of the training environment and enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the training experience.
Our SITL-LVC solution has been validated in operational U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy fighter aircraft during over 97 sorties, distinguishing Cubic as the lone company to demonstrate the ability to inject virtual and constructive synthetic entities into live fighter cockpit displays at Large Force Employment (LFE) scale.

SLATE Proven. Flight Tested. In Fighter Cockpits Today.
Fighter pilots train as they fight with Secure Live Virtual and Constructive Advanced Training Environment (SLATE), the proven and flight-tested open standards-based advanced training environment. With its high-fidelity and multi-domain focus, SLATE challenges warfighters in complex kill webs, teaching them to train as they would fight and helping them unlock their true potential. The cutting-edge technology demonstrated a fully capable TRL 7+ LVC solution for F-15 and F/A-18 aircraft and showcased its full capabilities at Nellis Air Force Base during the SLATE-Advanced Technology Demonstration, where it validated the following technologies:
- ACMI infrastructure at LFE scale. SLATE validated LVC Training 8 years ahead of DoD roadmap and acquisition plans
- Offboard and pod-borne LVC processor for tethered and untethered operations
- 5th Generation Advanced Training Waveform (5G-ATW), a U.S. Government–owned LVC data link, ported in Software Defined Radio configurations for pod and internal mount airborne subsystems
- Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) with NSA-certified encryption
- Advanced guising of participants to create synthetic pacing peer threats with red sensors, weapons and detection ranges
- LVC architecture designed for 5th Gen platforms and DoD training networks (e.g., DMON and NCTE