The P5 Combat Training System (P5 CTS) is the U.S. DoD tactical combat aircraft instrumentation system Program of Record used for live flying training management plus post mission debrief and assessment. The Red Flag large force exercise at Nellis Air Force Base and Air Combat Training ranges worldwide are prime examples of P5 CTS utilization. Over 2000 P5 CTS are in use around the world, demonstrating an unprecedented, documented 98% mission availability rate.

Secure ACMI- P5 System Security Update (SSU)
Cubic is on contract to provide the USAF with the P5 System Security Update (SSU) by 2024. This field modification of the P5 CTS meets all of the USAF’s encrypted ACMI requirements at 7% of the cost of a replacement ACMI system. In addition, the P5 SSU modified ACMI pods are interoperable with more than 1100 F-35s containing the P5 Internal Subsystem for a complete, secure ACMI training architecture for the USAF, USN, USMC, and all Partner Nations.

F-35 P5 Internal Subsystem (P5 IS)
Cubic’s P5 Internal Subsystem (IS) has been instrumented on more than 1100 F-35s, providing encrypted ACMI for the world’s most advanced fighter. This system is interoperable with the P5 Combat Training System (CTS) ACMI.