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Doing the Right Thing

Our employees live this shared value every day, in ways large and small.  We support their commitment to doing the right thing through our Code of Business Conduct, our independent Cubic Helpline, and our Code of Conduct for Third Parties.    

Our Code of Business Conduct expresses the standards and expectations for how we do business. It covers many subjects, but the core principal throughout can be described this way: we will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. We will be accountable for our actions and decisions.

Every employee is accountable to uphold the principals and standards expressed in our Code of Business Conduct. They receive regular training and messaging regarding company expectations, and are encouraged to speak up when they see or hear something that isn’t right. 


We take our commitment to business ethics seriously and want all of our business partners, vendors, customers, and shareholders to have a voice. If you believe that Cubic or any of its employees is not living up to our legal or ethical responsibilities, please share your concern with us.

We want to hear from you and are committed to investigating and addressing problems. Our Cubic Helpline is available to receive your calls or online submissions 24/7. The Helpline is administered by an independent reporting service that allows you to share concerns anonymously and confidentially.

Visit the Cubic Helpline for more information.


We are committed to conducting business with the highest ethical standards and we expect the third parties with whom we do business to demonstrate a similar commitment. One important aspect is to follow a written code of business conduct or similar set of principles. Our Code of Conduct for Third Parties describes our expectations for the vendors, suppliers, resellers, contractors, agents, representatives, and partners with whom we do business (collectively our “business associates”).